Professional Connections
During my career, I have worked alongside a number of legal and accountancy practices to ensure that the financial advice that their clients received was timely, accurate and was of demonstrable added value.
I have spent time embedded as the in-house IFA at a firm of Chartered Accountants where the normal way of working was for me to join the accountant in a meeting with their client so that they could receive a more holistic approach to their financial planning requirements.
I also provided staff training in both financial products and possible needs their clients might have, and soft ‘people’ skills for less senior team members who were not as experienced in customer-facing situations so that they could improve their skills in identifying opportunities to introduce new services to the clients and how best this might be achieved.
Since I provide Independent financial advice, solicitors and legal executives can be sure that they are following the Law Society guidance in respect of avoiding referring clients to advisers who have a Restricted offering.
I have held joint presentations on a number of subjects with solicitors, particularly on investments and funding long-term care and have also operated a number of informal surgery days alongside members of the legal profession for residents of local care homes and their families.
I act as adviser to a number of trusts and am experienced in drafting Statements of Investment Principles. I qualified as an Associate Member of STEP when I was one of the first financial advisers in the country to complete their Certificate for Financial Services – Trusts & Estate Planning. If you would like to see if I can help you and your clients, please do get in touch.