Investing Your Money
- Putting your money to work -Some of my clients enjoy long-distance travelling and experiencing different countries and their people and cultures. Another, a teacher, has an idea that she wants to be able to fund the building of a school in Malawi. Others want to be sure that if they ever need long-term nursing care then they will able to afford somewhere decent rather than spend their later years in a home that doesn’t really come up to scratch. And many clients are also really keen to see the wealth that they have amassed pass on to their family members to help improve their standard of living, whether this is through paying for grandchildren’s university costs or helping sons and daughters to pay off debts.
Despite what some people will think, Investing is not all about the money.
Rather, it’s about taking that sum of money you have now (but don’t need to use) and using it to help fulfil your plans and ambitions. And this is achieved by careful management or stewardship of the resources available.
If you decide that you’d like me to help you meet those goals, I will employ a tried and tested set of processes and techniques that will involve looking at your current position and then plotting a route to your objective. Along the way we will look at the different types of risks there are, and how some of them can be reduced or at least embraced. I will test your ability to withstand short and long periods where the capital you’ve invested might fall and equally what the best thing to do if the growth is more rapid than we might have expected.
You will have a portfolio designed for you that will contain a range of different types of assets -shares, bonds, property etc. blended together so you can have a realistic expectation of what might happen over the years, and whilst it will be as tax efficient as possible, I won’t make tax the be-all and end-all as the underlying investment itself has to make sense for your personal situation. I can promise you that the plan will take account of the need for growth and income, and will always make sure that you will have sufficient money accessible to cover not only emergencies, but also spending you might want to make over the next few years too.
And like any route, we will periodically get together make sure that the destination is still the same and that the time we have available to get there hasn’t changed either. If they have, or if we need to take into account other changes in personal or economic conditions, then these can be incorporated and we will make adjustments as we go.
More information can be found in my Free Guides section.
If this is an area you’d like my expert help with, then please get in touch.